Trinity Morgan Interview: My goals are to continue in the industry but I always want to make sure its enjoyable and that I am sending out a positive message!

Swanky Magazine Interview - Enter the glam! - Trinity Morgan

MODEL SPOTLIGHT | Trinity Morgan from Washington State

We caught up with beautiful Trinity to talk about all things modeling and her future goals!

Q1. Swanky Mag: Hello Trinity, Can you introduce yourself to Swanky Magazine's readers?

Hi, I’m Trinity and I usually go by Trin. I am 16 years old and I have been modeling for almost 4 years! Modeling has been such a fun and interesting journey for me but I’m happy with the direction it’s heading and excited to see what’s to come in my future.

Q2. How did you get involved with modeling, and what do you love most about being a model?

In 2018 I had just got my hair colored and just bought some new clothes at a cute Boutique store while on a trip in Wyoming and my mom had brought a new camera and wanted to take some pictures. So I decided to put on my new outfit and did my makeup and have a little photo shoot with my mom. My mom was new at taking photos and we both giggles thinking it wasn’t amazing but was fun. However, my mom's friends on Facebook thought differently and when we were on vacation in Colorado a lady at the retreat camp also had suggested I tried modeling. We both didn't know what to think about this, but my mom got the word out that I would love to try to model and I got invited to a photography class to model by Dwayne Rogge and one of the photographers submitted my photos to a magazine and ever since it’s just taken off from there. I also got invited to a modeling weekend with tons of photographers and models by an amazing photographer who wanted me to join, Kyla Goff, and that experience was an amazing opportunity and I am super thankful to her. I meet my photographer Valentin Medina through a modeling group and have modeled for him many times for his own work and other projects for other photographers. I have appreciated every time I work with him and am thankful for his amazing personality and the great times we have during the photoshoot. The time is always well spent and memorable.
My favorite thing about being a model is showing other people that you don’t have to fit into society’s beauty standards to be considered beautiful. I also love that it has helped grow my confidence! And each project is different and a challenge. I love challenges and creativity.

Model: Trinity Morgan

IG: @tkm.model

Photographer: Valentin Medina



Q3. What fuels your imagination and provides you with inspiration.

Recently I have been obsessed with Kylie Katich. Her photos always amaze me and I really hope to bring some of the inspiration she gives me to life. I also love Coco Rocha and I am hoping to step out of my comfort zone and gain inspiration from her! They always say if the pose feels awkward or weird you are doing it right. So I am ready to step out even more and try new poses and moves.

Model: Trinity Morgan

IG: @tkm.model

Photographer: Valentin Medina



Model: Trinity Morgan

IG: @tkm.model

Photographer: Valentin Medina



Q4. Let us into a secret, What is a beauty trick you do before a photoshoot?

I always have to have my nails on point! I don’t always have acrylics so I will buy press ons and glue them on that way my nails look good for my photos I think having pretty nails brings it all together. I also do a lot of my own makeup and hair. Depending upon the contract or what creative style you are doing, it helps a ton and is a lifesaver if you can do some things yourself. Now of course we all love a creative MUA or Hairstylist and I enjoy their work as well. But sometimes there are jobs on short notice and you will get these quick because you can put yourself together and look Stunning. I love to constantly try new looks, and yes I fail sometimes. But practice makes it perfect and there is constant growth always in anything you do. Never give up guys.

Model: Trinity Morgan

IG: @tkm.model

Photographer: Valentin Medina



Model: Trinity Morgan

IG: @tkm.model

Photographer: Valentin Medina



Q5. What projects are you working on next, and what are your goals for the future?

I am hoping to get more collaborations and as well new contracts/paid shoots in the future because it’s been pretty slow due to the worlds issues right now and I hope I can use my inspiration from Kylie and Coco to make my shoots stand out from others! My goals are to continue in the industry but I always want to make sure its enjoyable and that I am sending out a positive message!

Follow Trinity’s journey here:

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